Escher A language for connecting technologies using pure metaphors

Explanation of important words

Gate statements begin on a new line with a gate name identifier, space, and a gate value expression. There are six value types that can be expressed:

Word Alternative Words Meaning Syntax Example Explanation
Address - - - rootFaculty.parentFac.childFac.theGate
TODO or is it "topMostGate.lowerGate.lowestGate" ?
I think it is the first one, but what is the second one? or is it an address too?
I guess it is practically simply never used/required.
The fully qualified path to a gate, relative to a certain Index. An address is represented by series circuits.
Circuit - meaning syntax A simple circuit called Nand, with 2 gates and 4 links:
Nand {
	and *binary.And
	not *binary.Not

	and:X = :X
	and:Y = :Y
	and:XAndY = not:Z
	not:NotZ = :
A circuit is the central unit of declaration in Escher. It specifies gates and links immediately contained within that (class of) circuit (no gates or links outside or inside its own gates).
Default Valve gateX: (vector on gate gateX with the default valve)
: (vector on the super gate with the default valve)
The valve denoted by the empty string "".
You may think of it as the default input/output of a circuit.
It has not special logic within Escher, other then not requiring to be named in code.
Directive - meaning - materialize: *fully.qualified.Name
recall: @fully.qualified.Name
A combination of a verb and an address.
It means:
"Do 'verb' with 'address'."
Faculty package? meaning - - Eschers word for a namespace; a group of escher source files in a single directory, respectively the circuits therein.
Flow - - - - XXX (A synonym for Link?)
TODO Should probably be renamed to Link
See the go code of the circuit struct at circuit/circuit.go.
Gate Membrane?
- syntax A circuit with 7 gates:
alpha {
	directive1 *fully.qualified.Name
	directive2 @fully.qualified.Name
	integral   123
	floating   3.14
	complex    (1-3i)
	quoted     "abcd\n\tefgh"
An instantiation of a circuit inside an other circuit.
Gates are the nodes of an Escher circuit, if interpreted as a graph.
They are connected to each other by creating links between their valves.
Index - meaning - This exemplifies part of a typical index:
	e {
		Alt (be.Materializer)
		Alternate (be.Materializer)
		Breakpoint (be.Materializer)
		Fork (be.Materializer)
		Grow (be.Materializer)
		Help (be.Materializer)
		Ignore (be.Materializer)
	element {
		Docker (be.Materializer)
		Process (be.Materializer)
An Escher index is a tree circuit, which we interpret as a an list containing the addresses to all gates.
Map - meaning -
ImplicitIntMap {

ExplicitIntMap {
	3   *fully.qualified.Name
	6   @fully.qualified.Name
	1   123

StringMap {
	directive  *fully.qualified.Name
	integral   123
	floating   3.14

MixedMap {
	directive  *fully.qualified.Name
	1          123
	2          3.14
A circuit with the limitation that it has no links.
While we might think of a general circuit more of as a set of instructions plus data, a map is rather purely data.
It maps keys of type int or string to arbitrary values, quite like maps in other programming languages.
materialize - - - *fully.qualified.Name
Name - - - - The name part of a gate. Each gate is comprised of a name and a value. A name can be any string without spaces, but in practise you probably want to limit it more, say to a common definition of a variable name as found in many other languages, for example using the regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+
Program runnable?, executable circuit? meaning - See any of the *Main circuits in the Escher tutorials Programs are circuits that describe executable systems.
recall - - - @fully.qualified.Name
Series meaning syntax implicit series:
alpha {
		A 1
		B "C"
which is equivalent to this explicit series:
alpha {
	0 *fully.qualified.Name
	1 @fully.qualified.Name
	2 123
	3 3.14
	4 (1-3i)
	5 "abcd\n\tefgh"
	7 {
		A 1
		B "C"
A series is a map with the additional restrictions that:
  • it can only have int names
  • the names have to form a consecutive series, starting from 0
They are an analogue to arrays in other languages.
Super Gate super-membrane
- - :valveNo3 (vector with valve valveNo3 on the super gate)
: (vector with default valve on the super gate)
The empty-string named gate is called the super gate.
While one cannot assign a value to it through syntax, it is possible to connect links to it.

When materializing, the links connected to the super gate are exposed to the higher-level/enclosing/“super” circuit.

Tree - meaning -
Tree {
	Trunk {
		Branches {
	Root {
		Tentacles {
A recursive structure of maps, where maps can contain other maps.
Value - - -
SomeCircuit {
	directive1 *fully.qualified.Name
	directive2 @fully.qualified.Name
	integral   123
	floating   3.14
	complex	(1-3i)
	quoted	 "abcd\n\tefgh"
The value part of a gate. Each gate is comprised of a name and a value.
FIXME Some point of the documentation says, the value cna be any Go value, while an other part states, that it can be one of Integer, Float, complex-number, string, directive or circuit. Both can't be true.
Valve I/O whole/connector - - - An input and-or output "connector" between the inside and the outside of a gate. It has a unique name within the circuit it is declared. It can be connected to at most one other valve (of the same gate or an other) using a link.
Vector valve-ID? - - gateX:valveNo3
A qualified valve, consisting of a gate-name and one of its valves names, separated with a ":".
If the gate is being omitted, the vector refers to the super gte.
If the valve is being omitted, the vector refers to the default valve.
Verb instruction? - - *
Can be either "*" (materialize) or "@" (recall), and is the first part of a directive.